February 28, 2011

January 29, 2011

Living in the Divine Flow...

Consider SLOWING DOWN & CONTINUALLY placing yourself in the flow of divine, life-sustaining energy to actualize your TRUE potential. When this choice is made, we feel truly free! Unencumbered by the negative spirits of fear, worry, doubt or regret, results in a joy that fills our soul, blesses our own spirit, as well as others around you.

::My Activities that Foster Living in the Divine Flow::

1) Listening to positive, life promoting music (lyrics matter!)
Life and Death, Blessing and Cursing is in the power of the tongue....(Proverbs 18:21)

2) Prayer & Mediating (sharing inner most thoughts with the spirit of God, the Creator& active listening**)

3) Spending time in nature/natural settings** (favorite: parks & lakes)

4) Alone time in complete silence**(turn off the phone, TV, labtop for at least an 1hr p/day)

"...sometimes you gotta be still.
It take some time to rejuvenate. Be still.
Take some time to clear your space. Be real.
Chaos isn't good for your health..."
~ India.Arie

5) Studying different spirtual proverbs/laws & finding commonalities

6) *Yoga

7) *Being active in physical fitness & proper healthy diet selection

*not currently active in
**areas I need to grow within/key challenges

What helps YOU live in the divine flow OR closer to the spirit of God, the Creator?

Please share your current activties!

November 20, 2010

Women Are Apples, Men Are Tree Climbers...

I just “stumbled” across this awesome analogy about dating on the web. It really speaks to self-confidence, patience and perspective. I’m dedicating this one to all the single ladies out there. I found this inspirational poem here. Believe it ladies. Every. Single. Word.

No reaching downward ladies. 1st) Hold your heads high. 2nd) Be productive with your life. 3rd) Strive to be ALL God designed you to be and the right one, who will complement you, will have NO problem working to earn your trust & affection (i.e. Women Are Apples, Men Are Tree Climbers). Okay? Love ya!


November 7, 2010

North Star Group 100% Supports "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf"

The movie is based on Ntozake Shange's play "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf." Unlike the original play that featured only 7 women known by colors, performing the collection of 20 poems (e.g. Lady in Blue's visceral account of a woman who chooses to have an abortion & Lady in Red's tale of domestic violence). Each of the poems deal with intense issues that told from each woman's perspective. Furthermore, the poems deal with rape, abandonment, domestic violence, rape, abortion, etc. embodied by each woman's story. This is a surprisingly well done, thought-provoking film on what it means to be a female in this world & overcome. Each one, truly must teach one with love - fierce love, starting with self...

Harriette Cole interviews Ntozake Shange:

Film Trailor:

North Star's Rating: 4 out of 5