January 29, 2011

Living in the Divine Flow...

Consider SLOWING DOWN & CONTINUALLY placing yourself in the flow of divine, life-sustaining energy to actualize your TRUE potential. When this choice is made, we feel truly free! Unencumbered by the negative spirits of fear, worry, doubt or regret, results in a joy that fills our soul, blesses our own spirit, as well as others around you.

::My Activities that Foster Living in the Divine Flow::

1) Listening to positive, life promoting music (lyrics matter!)
Life and Death, Blessing and Cursing is in the power of the tongue....(Proverbs 18:21)

2) Prayer & Mediating (sharing inner most thoughts with the spirit of God, the Creator& active listening**)

3) Spending time in nature/natural settings** (favorite: parks & lakes)

4) Alone time in complete silence**(turn off the phone, TV, labtop for at least an 1hr p/day)

"...sometimes you gotta be still.
It take some time to rejuvenate. Be still.
Take some time to clear your space. Be real.
Chaos isn't good for your health..."
~ India.Arie

5) Studying different spirtual proverbs/laws & finding commonalities

6) *Yoga

7) *Being active in physical fitness & proper healthy diet selection

*not currently active in
**areas I need to grow within/key challenges

What helps YOU live in the divine flow OR closer to the spirit of God, the Creator?

Please share your current activties!

1 comment:

  1. I often forget that i live in the divine flow, with my mind so engrossed with responsibilites and decisions that I forget to search around me for the beauty and peace that God created. I find I am closer to the spirit of God when I am in my 'darkest' place. When I feel I have fallen down so far I could never get back out. I find myself anxiously seeking his word and pleading to God for his mercy and to extend that peace that surpasses all understanding.
